
The Architectural Committee is here to assist you in understanding and applying the CC&R’s requirements for any architectural projects. You should be able to find most answers to the questions you may have regarding your upcoming construction project in this section of the site. However please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or need any additional clarification.

Please read the CC&R’s carefully before commencing the planning of your project and forward it together with the your designer, architect or engineer. For a full understanding of the Submittal and Approval Process please visit the following page: Guidelines for Submittal and Approval

Once you have secured full approval by the Association and are ready to start construction, please read our Guidelines for Construction and forward it to your contractor as well.

Our cooperative Architectural Committee must approve all plans PRIOR to demolition, grading or construction. This includes any site improvement such as remodeling, landscaping, pools, and walls.

We wish you the best of luck for your upcoming project!